Execute Around
Execute Around idiom frees the user from certain actions that should always be executed before and
after the business method. A good example of this is resource allocation and deallocation leaving
the user to specify only what to do with the resource.
Real-world example
A class needs to be provided for writing text strings to files. To make it easy for
the user, the service class opens and closes the file automatically. The user only has to
specify what is written into which file.
In plain words
Execute Around idiom handles boilerplate code before and after business method.
Stack Overflow says
Basically it's the pattern where you write a method to do things which are always required, e.g.
resource allocation and clean-up, and make the caller pass in "what we want to do with the
Programmatic Example
class implements the Execute Around idiom. It takes FileWriterAction
as a
constructor argument allowing the user to specify what gets written into the file.
public interface FileWriterAction {
void writeFile(FileWriter writer) throws IOException;
public class SimpleFileWriter {
public SimpleFileWriter(String filename, FileWriterAction action) throws IOException {
LOGGER.info("Opening the file");
try (var writer = new FileWriter(filename)) {
LOGGER.info("Executing the action");
LOGGER.info("Closing the file");
The following code demonstrates how SimpleFileWriter
is used. Scanner
is used to print the file
contents after the writing finishes.
FileWriterAction writeHello = writer -> {
writer.write("Gandalf was here");
new SimpleFileWriter("testfile.txt", writeHello);
var scanner = new Scanner(new File("testfile.txt"));
while (scanner.hasNextLine()) {
Here's the console output.
21:18:07.185 [main] INFO com.iluwatar.execute.around.SimpleFileWriter - Opening the file
21:18:07.188 [main] INFO com.iluwatar.execute.around.SimpleFileWriter - Executing the action
21:18:07.189 [main] INFO com.iluwatar.execute.around.SimpleFileWriter - Closing the file
21:18:07.199 [main] INFO com.iluwatar.execute.around.App - Gandalf was here
Class diagram

Use the Execute Around idiom when
- An API requires methods to be called in pairs such as open/close or allocate/deallocate.