Aggregator Microservices
The user makes a single call to the aggregator service, and the aggregator then calls each relevant microservice.
Real world example
Our web marketplace needs information about products and their current inventory. It makes a call to an aggregator
service which in turn calls the product information microservice and product inventory microservice returning the
combined information.
In plain words
Aggregator Microservice collects pieces of data from various microservices and returns an aggregate for processing.
Stack Overflow says
Aggregator Microservice invokes multiple services to achieve the functionality required by the application.
Programmatic Example
Let's start from the data model. Here's our Product
public class Product {
private String title;
private int productInventories;
// getters and setters ->
Next we can introduce our Aggregator
microservice. It contains clients ProductInformationClient
for calling respective microservices.
public class Aggregator {
private ProductInformationClient informationClient;
private ProductInventoryClient inventoryClient;
@RequestMapping(path = "/product", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public Product getProduct() {
var product = new Product();
var productTitle = informationClient.getProductTitle();
var productInventory = inventoryClient.getProductInventories();
//Fallback to error message
product.setTitle(requireNonNullElse(productTitle, "Error: Fetching Product Title Failed"));
//Fallback to default error inventory
product.setProductInventories(requireNonNullElse(productInventory, -1));
return product;
Here's the essence of information microservice implementation. Inventory microservice is similar, it just returns
inventory counts.
public class InformationController {
@RequestMapping(value = "/information", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String getProductTitle() {
return "The Product Title.";
Now calling our Aggregator
REST API returns the product information.
curl http://localhost:50004/product
{"title":"The Product Title.","productInventories":5}
Class diagram

Use the Aggregator Microservices pattern when you need a unified API for various microservices, regardless the client device.